Jednoga dana Hana i Mama bile su u zoološkom vrtu i tamo su susrele mladunče lava.On se jako htio vratiti svojim roditeljima.
"Trebat će nam Karta kako bismo vratili mladunče lava njegovim roditeljima.Moramo reći:Karta! Karta!"
"Ja sam Karta,....Reci dakle Hani i Mami: morate otploviti preko mora,zatim morate prijeći rijeku Nil i veliku pustinju i tako ćete doći do mame i tate lavova.Ali pazite se velikih valova,krokodila i žarkog sunca!"
I tako Hana i Mama putuju do džungle,na moru viču :"Down,waves!",hrane gladne krokodile komadima kruha i nose šešire i piju vodu u pustinji i uspiju dovesti mladunče lava njegovim roditeljima :-)
Priču smo smislile Hana i ja zajedno,kartu sam crtala ja,a Hana se sjetila Playmobil likova da nam odglume učesnike u predstavi:
Hanina frizura je ista kao i u stvarnosti,Mama je fit,a mladunče lava je zapravo psić.Imamo i lava,ali tko zna zašto, nije ga htjela :-)
"We'll need a Map! We must say Map!Map!"
"I'm the Map,...So tell to Hana,they have to sail over the see,cross the river Nil and the big desert.But they have to watch for the big waves,crocodiles and the sun."
So,Hana and Mom are traveling to the jungle,at the sea they areyelling :"Down,waves!",the're feeding hungry crocodiles with bread and wearing hats and drinking water in the desert.And they bring baby lion to his parents :-)
Hana and I made up a story,I draw the Map and she think of Playmobil dolls to be our characters:
Hana's hair is as it realy is,Mom is fit,and even we have baby lion,she wouldn't use it,but she used this puppy :-)
I'm sharing this on Sun scholars:For the kids Friday
Quirky Momma :It's a Playtime
The nurture store : Play academy
Nema ništa lijepše od diječije mašte....a i mamine!!! Pusa :)))
OdgovoriIzbrišiThat reminds me, I need to me more creative when making up stories for my daughter. Thanks for the visit and comment. Send me a link or picture of your doll house when it is done.
Dobro ste to odradile :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVjerujem da ste uživale u predstavi.
Hi Fit Mom! This is such a fun way to develop language. Thanks for sharing a great idea with us.