I finaly figure out how to write a post on this redisigned blog! So for a start,this is one of just a few pics of me and my Hana together,usualy I'm behind a camera.
We brougt out Pippi Longstocking...
...and pebble puzzle and story stones...
...and we're making some cake!
A kad nismo u kući,onda smo u prirodi! Povratak s Glavice na Novu godinu!Hana i tata,a ja s druge strane objektiva :-)
And when we're not in house,we're in nature! Hana and dad,and me behind camera :-)
Tek nekoliko riječi za ovaj prvi put,u žurbi sam zbog posla.Sljedeći put o tome,nadam se brzo.
Just few words,I'm in hurry because of work.Next time about that,I hope soon!